Invisalign Brisbane
Your Invisalign Smile
Oliver Orthodontics Brisbane
Invisalign Smile

Does Appearance Matter?

You've realised your teeth could look straighter, that's a big step. The question now is deciding how to achieve it.

If you're already self-conscious about your smile, you probably don't want a treatment that will draw even more attention to your mouth, right?

For many people, braces are associated with awkward teenage smiles. That's a world of potential embarassment and personal anguish that's easy to empathise with. And if you're an adult, the prospect of having an 'awkward teenage smile' can be a terrifying thought.

The answer for many of our patients is a treatment that's more discreet.

Invisalign® is one of the most popular options if you're looking for a less-than-obvious treatment solution.

Over 3 million patients around the world have been treated with Invisalign since 1997. That's a lot of beautiful smiles.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign is a series of removable aligners customised for your teeth. Their big selling point is - they're nearly invisible. And that means no extra attention on your smile-in-progress. You can understand why they're popular.

You'll change each set of aligners every two weeks. Over time, your teeth will gradually be guided into their new position.

The special ClinCheck software even allows you to see a preview of what your teeth are expected to look like by the end of your treatment.

What else makes Invisalign different from traditional braces?

With no metal brackets or wires to irritate your gums or mouth, Invisalign can be more comfortable than other treatments.

And because Invisalign aligners are removable, you'll take them out to eat and brush your teeth, just like normal.

Can Invisalign Change Your Life in A Few Months?

Top 5 Things to Know About Invisalign®

  • Invisalign cost


    There are four levels of Invisalign treatment, with four levels of pricing.

    Invisalign Express - $3,000*

    Invisalign Lite - $5,000*

    Invisalign Moderate - $6,000-$7,500*

    Invisalign Comprehensive - $7,900-$8,400*

    *We'll confirm your personal pricing at your initial consultation 

    Full pricing details

  • Invisalign payment plans

    Payment Plans

    Your smile is a serious investment, and we make it easy for you with our flexible, interest free payment plans.

    Read more about our payment plan options on our pricing page.

    Note: Interest free playment plans are attractive, but our discount for upfront payments might be a better long term investment.

  • Invisalign treatment time

    Treatment Time

    The length of treatment ranges between 6 to 18 months, depending on your circumstances.

    In that period, you'll visit Dr Oliver every four to six weeks.

    You won't receive new aligners every visit, we just check your treatment is progressing correctly.

    That's how we ensure your best result.

  • Invisalign appearance


    Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. People may not even notice you're wearing them.

    Out of your mouth, the aligners look a bit like a very thin, clear mouthguard. They're made of a clear thermoplastic material, specially designed for their purpose.

  • Invisalign suitability

    Will It Work For You

    To confirm if this popular solution suits your teeth and the outcome you want, Dr Oliver will examine your teeth in person.

    Register for an initial consultation and we'll get you in the schedule. 

    For more background information about Invisalign, read our FAQs.

  • Invisalign is removable
  • Invisalign is comfortable
  • Invisalign is invisible
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Oliver Orthodontics Clinic Brisbane

Invisalign Brisbane

Invisalign might be the perfect path to your self-confident smile, but the only way to confirm that is to see you in person.
For Invisalign in Brisbane, schedule a consultation 
now and let's see if it's the perfect solution for you.
Invisalign Brisbane